So I’m going to start a rumor here: I think, before the year is out, that Google is going to try to buy Sprint.
Wuz LinkedIn Robbed?
There’s a provocative column by Joe Nocera in today’s NYTimes about LinkedIn’s IPO last week. Nocera thinks that the investment banks Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch — which LinkedIn hired to take it public — essentially stole hundreds of millions of dollars that should have gone to LinkedIn’s treasury.
Here’s how it works.Continue Reading
Hands-on: Motorola Droid X smartphone is a win for Android – Computerworld
My first article for public consumption in quite a while, and a return to old stomping grounds: A review of the upcoming Droid X mobile phone.
Overall a nice piece of hardware. I suspect I’ll like Android more as I get used to it.
Auto-captioning YouTube
I somehow missed the news that YouTube is now automatically captioning all videos in English. That’s awesome news for the accessibility crowd. It’s a little problematic for the content industry.
Think about it. Continue Reading
New Bing Coming
Microsoft’s Bing search engine will be rolling out UI changes starting in the next few days. Since its launch about a year ago, Bing has been innovating mostly on its interface, and these changes continue that mission. The emphasis for the update will be on providing more context — including real-time feeds — and visual information.
What’s worrisome about Bing, from a content provider’s perspective…Continue Reading
Kawasaki on Management
I’ve been around the Macintosh world since about 1985, so I’m real familiar with Guy Kawasaki. Guy was the software evangelist for the Mac — the guy who went around persuading software developers to write for this unusual and innovative computer. In the intervening years, he wrote a couple of books about what became known as guerrilla marketing; those books are still on my shelves. In certain circles, he was (and is) quite famous. In certain circles, he became sort of yesterday’s news. Now, he runs a venture company and a news aggregator
But there’s an excellent interview with him in this past Friday’s NYTimes…Continue Reading
Film crews are not uncommon in my neighborhood. “Gossip Girl,” in particular, has been coming around a few times a year. But this week, the nabe’s parking will be disrupted for two productions: the CBS drama “The Good Wife” (which is set in, ummm, Chicago) and the FX show “Damages.”
Visualizing Tufte
I spent the day yesterday in a ballroom listening to data visualization guru Edward Tufte. Given my increasingly hummingbird-like attention span, a full day of concentrated focus was as welcome as it was unusual. A good time, and well worth the money.
Perhaps the coolest things of the day were when he produced a copy of the first English translation of Euclid’s Elements — the book where he laid out the basics of geometry — dating from 1582. And the other was his showing a first edition first printing of Galileo’s 1610 observations of the moons of Jupiter and sunspots (and, oh by the way, the heliocentric model of the solar system).
But what I found most provocative…
Google Real-Time Search: some questions
Google today announced its inevitable reach into real-time search, instantly adding results from Twitter, FriendFeed and MySpace. As cool and useful as this may be, I’ve got a couple of questions about it.
Mary Travers, RIP
As part of the New York Choral Society, I was fortunate to have performed with Mary Travers (and Peter Yarrow and Noel Paul Stookey) a couple of dozen times in the late ’80s and early ’90s. I did a week on Broadway, a PBS special that ran forever during Pledge Weeks, a Donahue show, and more than a couple of performances in Carnegie Hall. They are some of my fondest memories.
Mary Travers was by then well past her ingenue years and well into motherhood and later, grandmotherhood. She relished it. It was easy to see the dynamic of the group; the things that made Peter Paul & Mary work so well, the things about each of them that made the others crazy, and the ways that they adapted to each other as life progressed.
But what was also plain about them was the depth of their commitment to each other and their causes.