More on the Plumbing Challenge

As usual, The Shifted Librarian just Gets It. Here’s part of her expansion on my idea: Or what about the library paying for a subscription to an online serial that makes it available to residents. Theoretically, a user with a valid library barcode would go to the library’s web site, enter the barcode, and be authenticated through to the full version. […]

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A Challenge to the ‘Blog Plumbers: Making a Buck on ‘Blogging

Much as I enjoy writing this weblog, the question keeps coming up: “So, you making any money at this?” Well, no, and that’s not the point. But even if I wanted to, I don’t think the plumbing of the weblog universe would let me. So, why not? Many of you know that there is a […]

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From Scylla to Charybdis

Story in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week about plans to build a bridge between the Italian mainland and the island of Sicily. It’s been talked about since roughly the third century (A.D.), but Italian officials say now that this is the time. The suspension bridge will be two miles long — three times […]

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It’s The Ones You Don’t See That Get You

Astronomers say an asteroid moving at 10 kps came within 75,000 miles of the Earth last week. They didn’t see it until three days after it would have hit. From CNN: The destructive force might have been comparable to an asteroid or comet that exploded over Siberia in 1908, which flattened 77 square miles (200 […]

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New Taste Sensation

Tried Vanilla Coke tonight. Not bad, actually, but don’t be expecting Coca-Cola. It looks like Coke, and even has Coke’s slightly citrus smell. But it tastes like a pretty good cream soda. Which is good, since that’s what a vanilla soda is supposed to taste like.  

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Sax and Violins

From Ernie the Attorney. Personally, I don’t think the guy has a case. Everyone knows it’s the tenor players who get the chicks.  

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Pot. Kettle. Black.

The record industry is calling the radio business corrupt. I myself am shocked, shocked to hear that. Could it be remotely possible that the real problem with record sales isn’t that people are stealing music but that, with the Communications Act of 1996, Congress and the last two presidential administrations broke the promotional mechanism that drove both […]

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How Bad Can TV Get?

This bad, apparently.  

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Are ‘Bloggers Journalists?

I’m still working on my full answer to this, but Walter Cronkite gets at least some of the answer right: if you’re going to call yourself a journo, be prepared to be held to those standards — not that that’s saying much these days.

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The Network is the Computer is the Network

Earthlink, the online service, has bought the PC manufacturer (well, assembler) PeoplePC. This is interesting for a bunch of reasons. They only paid $10 million (plus assuming $34 million in debt). Though I haven’t looked at any financials — what, you want me to do research at these prices? — that seems low for a company […]

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