Rosie Rings Out

I could have told you this was coming. Gruner + Jahr, the publishing arm of the German media giant Bertelsman, repackaged the failing 127-year-old McCalls magazine around the actress and comedienne Rosie O’Donnell. Rosie — host of a popular daytime chat show — appeared to be pretty involved (or as involved as a daily talk show host can […]

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From ABCNews’s excellent daily political briefing, The Note (registration may be required): Roll Call ‘s Henry reported yesterday, “Exercising his civic duty in Tuesday’s Democratic primary for governor, [Sen. Bill] Kerry [D-MA] showed up at a Boston polling place at 7 a.m. ÷ only to find people milling about because the machines weren’t working. An aide […]

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The Economics and Politics of Baby Formula

I’m hesitant to even touch this subject because I know it’s far more complex than I want to deal with. Suffice to say that everyone agrees (or at least gives lip service to the idea) that breast milk is the preferred food for infants. The reality is somewhat different. There’s an interesting story in today’s NYTimes about […]

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End of a Sweet Deal

The trust that controls Hershey Foods has decided not to sell after all. (I’m pretty sure I’ve written about this before, but Radio’s not great about providing an index of past posts.) Most of the voting stock in Hershey is held by a charitable trust that runs an extremely well-funded school for orphans in the […]

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Dress for Success

Now that all this dot-com bubble is behind us, the Bear Stearns brokerage is ordering its employees out of chinos and back into suits. To help, the ever-helpful Brooks Brothers store across the street is staying open late and giving Bear Stearns’s employees a 20 percent discount. A couple of observations: Business must be bad […]

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Gates 3.0

Bill and Melinda Gates announce the birth of their third child, Phoebe Adele Gates. … and we all know that Microsoft doesn’t get it right until version 3.0, right? Congratulations, and welcome to the world, Pheebs. How do you feel about older men — say, nine months older?  

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Liberal Media Conspiracy?

The American Prospect carries an informed piece about the perceived anti-war and anti-Bush tilt of the New York Times under new editor Howell Raines. The Prospect — a left-of-center magazine — makes the interesting point that the conservative pundits who roast what they see as the Times’s agenda haven’t actually spent much time working in the […]

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Stones, Inc.

Fascinating but frustrating piece in Fortune about the business side of the multinational corporation popularly known as Rolling Stones. Fascinating because of the detail presented. Frustrating because of the juicy stuff they choose not to talk about — like who gets how much of what. My favorite part was Keith Richards talking about international tax […]

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Oldest Known Smiley Unearthed

The Register reports that after an exhaustive search, Microsoft Research has found the first known use of an “emoticon,” those smiley things like this: : – ) Given the transient nature of so much online content, it’s actually a pretty impressive feat of archeology. It turns out that, unless prior art can be demonstrated, emoticon usage […]

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Astronaut Decks Skeptic

From Reuters via CNN: There’s apparently this whack-job filmmaker named Bart Sibrel, who’s made a bunch of documentaries claiming that Apollo 11 was a big fraud executed in a television studio. So Sibrel gets Buzz Aldrin (you know, the second guy to walk on the moon) to come to a Beverly Hills hotel on some pretext or […]

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