The Globe Has Its Irish Up

Remember last month, when the Boston Globe was astonished to discover that its hometown Senator and presidential candidate, John Kerry, wasn’t actually Irish? Kerry’s press secretary said that the senator had corrected every instance he was aware of where people cited his supposed Irish heritage.

The Globe isn’t letting the matter rest, and appears to be going through every possible statement and public appearance to see just cute Kerry’s been with the facts over the years. (Think about it. The Globe’s a serious, excellent newspaper, and its reporters and editors must be besides themselves with anger at not knowing Kerry’s personal history.) Today, the Globe digs up a 1986 statement in the Congressional Record where Kerry says:

”For those of us who are fortunate to share an Irish ancestory…”

Kerry’s staff says some staffer wrote the piece and inserted it into the record, and that the senator never saw it. Given the misspelling of “ancestry,” that may be true; certainly, no copy editor ever saw the statement.

If this is what Kerry’s in for from his hometown paper, he’s going to have a very long election cycle.


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