Giant Chee-to Takes Over Iowa

A petty officer stationed at Pearl Harbor opens a pack of Chee-tos, only to discover…

the largest Chee-to in the world.

Chee-tos Development Manager Kevin Cogan’s job is to ponder such mysteries. He believes that some of the cheddar seasoning in the company’s machines built up and plopped out in big blob. That sneaked past inspectors.

“We call it Seasoning Accumulation,” Cogan said. “If you love cheese, this is the Chee-to for you. It’s beyond dangerously cheesy.”

“Dangerously cheesy” indeed. Somehow, the Chee-to has found its way to the Midwest:

The folks in Algona, Iowa — a one-movie-theater town with 5,970 residents — can hardly wait to get their hands on the giant Chee-to. They plan to shellac it, lay it on plush velvet and put it under Plexiglas.

“This giant Chee-to could be a boon to our local economy,” said Tom Straub, owner of Algona’s Sister Sarah’s Bar. “Anything we can do to attract visitors to our town would be good.”

Me, I’d be worried (well, “worried” is way too strong a word) about shipping the thing from Hawaii to Iowa. I’m not sure that I’d trust FedEx and bubblewrap with such a delicate cargo. A courier? Well, that flight from Hawaii to Iowa’s awfully long, and airline food these days isn’t so good, if you get my drift….


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