Excellent Sony Interview

Speaking of Tony Perkins (see below), he’s got an excellent, rare and candid interview with the CEO of Sony, Nobuyuki Idei, at his own web site.

Sony is pretty much at the center of every piece of technological change going on in the world today — with the probable (and significant) exception of biotech. The fact that Idei seems able to keep ahead of all the relevant trends in all the relevant technologies is a marvel of personal focus. For that alone, the interview’s worth reading.

Some of his opinions:

  • Sure, we’d buy PalmSource if they were selling.

  • Ericsson teamed with us because they wanted an easy way out of the cellphone busines, and we wanted their patents.

  • Nokia cares more about volume than anything else.

  • His music division is operating from a position of panic, not thought.

  • Microsoft doesn’t have a clue, but IBM might make an interesting partner.

Excellent interview between a smart questioner and a smart answerer. Worth reading.


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