Watching the Detectives

One of the fun things about running this weblog is seeing who’s looking for information about what. Don’t worry: I can’t see that Person A is reading Page X. But when people click through to OTE from a Google, Yahoo, MSN, or Ask search, I know what they’d been looking for.

For a long while, someone each day would come around looking for information about a gay porn star named Dred Scott. (Apparently, I used the words “porn” and “star” on the same day I cited the famous Supreme Court ruling.) Lots of people have coming knocking to learn about Mallomars. And in the last week or so, there’s been a ton of inquiries about UPI Pentagon reporter Pam Hess.

But if you want to know what people all over the world were looking for this past year, you’ve gotta check out Google’s Zeitgeist. Way cool. If you can guess who the most searched-for athlete of the year was, you peeked.


About Dan