Tone Deaf

So there’s going to be a new face running the Treasury Department. I was wondering when that would happen; it struck me as odd that the Treasury Secretary was traipsing around Africa with Bono when the U.S. started bombing Afghanistan. Still, I wonder about this new guy.

It’s hardly unusual to pick someone from Industry to run Treasury, but it’s not like the U.S. rail business is so beautifully run that one of its leaders will cause the economy toss off its crutches and declare itself healed.

What’s more, it turns out that John Snow is a member of the Augusta National golf club — home of the Masters Tournament and currently under withering editorial and news-side heat from the NYTimes about its lack of female members. Snow will quit the club, of course, but the timing of his departure doesn’t resound with conviction.

Also, the WSJ last week listed 10 top candidates for the job — none of them Snow.

None of these things is exactly damning, but none is exactly encouraging either. Why is John Snow really the best candidate to run the U.S. Treasury Department?


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