More Florida Follies

Try to follow this. If you’re an elected official from Florida, it’s OK — I’ll write slowly.

Today is Primary Day in Florida (as it is in New York). Among those running is Katherine Harris, the Secretary of State who figured so prominently in the theft of the last Presidential election. This is the same Katherine Harris who was in charge of state election law yet who professed to be unaware of the requirement that officeholders who are running for new positions resign their old offices. This is the same Katherine Harris is running today for a Republican House nomination.

One would think that in Florida, if nowhere else, the state would take pains to run a smooth election. Nope. Janet Reno, who is running for the gubernatorial nomination, couldn’t vote this morning; it seems that a bunch of polling places around the state weren’t ready when the polls were to open at 7 a.m.

Seems to me that if Ms. Harris was so keen to hang onto her job supervising elections, at least she could have actually done the job she was getting paid for until she was forced to quit.


About Dan