Udell on Weblog Privacy

More on the security/authorization piece from earlier today, below.

Jon Udell is one of the smartest technology writers out there, though you may never have heard of him or read his stuff, because he works the techier side of the street, at Byte Magazine and now Infoworld. He wrote a fine piece yesterday about why business weblogs need better security:

… when commercial interests rub elbows in blogspace, this much transparency might be too much. The names of referring URLs, and the numbers attached to them, represent a kind of information leakage. www.internalgroove.net is not accessible to outsiders, of course. But its existence, and its level of interest in Ray’s blog experiment, are charted for all to see.

In other words, the very openness of the weblog infrastructure can argue against its use. We’ve got to be able to close the door.


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