Oh, Go Find It Yourself

Blog Panic. Atlas Says “Goodbye World, Hello Tequila!”

“Today I’m accepting something important.

I cannot cope.

I am now subscribed to 37 news sources.  I add about one new source a week.  Each of these is easily capable of delivering at least one or two items each day that are really interesting to me.  That I want to talk about.  But I cannot absorb this quanitity of new information even on a good day.  There is no time to reflect, to mull, to doze on it.

So I have resolved that I don’t care.

I won’t cope.

I’ll let good stuff go by the wayside.

Other people will find it.

Google will keep track of it.

It’s all their when the time comes.

I’m not Atlas to the internet.

Even to my own small chunk of it.


I feel better now.” [Curiouser and curiouser!]

This is a difficult thing to accept, especially when you have an aggregator that pulls everything in for you. I hit this stage a few months ago, but it’s especially daunting when you go out of town (or injure your back!).

And that’s what it is – a stage. I think there are stages to blogging. Excitement, Fun, Overwhelmed, Panicked, Acceptance, and then the cycle starts anew. Are there “12 steps of blogging?”


About Dan