Teaching Civic Virtues

From the Denver Post (passed on by David Hakala):

A 12-year-old seventh-grader has been summoned to Littleton Municipal Court on a charge of unlawful retention of library materials: She had an overdue library book…

Delinquent borrowers aren’t hauled into court right away, Smith said. Books at the Bemis Library are loaned for three weeks. After that, overdue fees begin accumulating at 10 cents a day. A first overdue notice is mailed after two weeks. Two weeks later, a bill for the materials is mailed. After another two weeks, if the borrower doesn’t respond, the library calls.

A citation is mailed if the borrower still doesn’t respond.

Yeah, that’ll teach the kid to patronize her libary. I’m sure the problem will be solved by having her recite the unexpurgated Pledge of Allegiance every day during the summer.

About Dan