Report from Ground Zero Procession

My friend Miriam Lewin went down to lower Manhattan to witness the final procession from Ground Zero, and wrote a brief report:

The crowd around me clapped but did not cheer.  We were respectful yet somehow  exuberant — I was smiling through my tears.  I didn’t clap — I had put  my hand on my heart when I saw the beam and I could not wrench it off my  chest.

It was a beautiful day.  A little hotter and muggier than September 11,  but still beautiful.  There was a nice breeze off the river, and New York felt like home, and a good place to be.

I’m in Charlottesville, VA right now and saw the ceremony on television, so I’ve got no right to comment. MSNBC’s coverage was most remarkable: there was not a word from a talking head for the entire time — more than 30 minutes.

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