I Think I Liked it Better When They Didn’t Tell Us

It’s not like they have a real threat or anything, but it seems that the FBI has alerted New York City to be watching out for another terrorist attack against a landmark. Specifically listed are the Statue of Liberty, which is within easy view of here, and the Brooklyn Bridge, which a few blocks from here and which I drive across several times a week.

The AP dispatch said that “[m]orning traffic at the Brooklyn Bridge was scrutinized carefully Tuesday.” Dunno if that means it was scruitized more than usual, but the cops are supposed to be out there every morning to enforce the HOV2 regulation in place since September. [Later: the Times says that scrutiny was, indeed, increased.]

I know that stuff like this is always possible, and more possible than ever after 9/11. But there’s a certain degree of denial that I suppose everyone needs to get through the day in every circumstance. Having that veneer stripped is less than comfortiable, especially when there’s nothing that I can actually do about it — and (I suspect) precious little that anyone can do.

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