But Is It Art?

Susan Kitchens outpoints an L.A. Times story about an artist who altered a freeway roadsign so that people won’t actually get lost following it. The job was so good that Caltrans didn’t notice for nine months — until the story hit the paper. And they may well leave things as they are.

Any chance we can get this guy to come to New York City? The road signs here are atrocious. Some of it is that the roads here are old and not up to contemporary spec. Some of it is that signs were designed to be driven at 40 mph.

Anyway, I have two fairly trivial examples. On an overpass where the New England Thruway crosses the Hutchinson River Parkway, a sign read New England Thurway and stayed that way for some years. Two signs across the street from each other near here call it alternately “Schermerhorn St.” and “Schemerhorn St.” (missing the first “r”). What’s even worse is that they’re both right outside the NYC Board of Education’s personnel building. 

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