Reporters live for datelines like

Reporters live for datelines like this, from the Wall Street Journal of Monday April 15 (I’d put the URL here, but it requires a paid subscription.):

INTERCOURSE, Pa. — James Spangler pulled up to the door of a prosperous Amish home one recent Friday night as dusk settled over the rolling hills of Lancaster County. The 57-year-old insurance agent expected to pick up a fat deposit check, and he wasn’t disappointed.

Seems that the Amish are weathering the economic downturn quite nicely, thank you, with most of their wealth in ever-appreciating real estate. (And, for some reason, it feels necessary to remind you of stories a few years back about an Amish cocaine ring allied with the Pagans motorcycle gang. Stoltzfus, it seems, is not an uncommon last name in that part of the world.)

About Dan